Project Description:
Signal and Track Replacement between Reservoir Station and Riverside Station along the Green Line’s D (Highland) Branch. The signal improvements include replacing the existing obsolete 25Hz track circuits and their associated distributed frequency converter network with modern solid-state 100Hz track circuits powered locally from each control instrument house (CIH). The signal improvements will be achieved by
(1) replacing the wayside signal cases with new CIH’s (fabricated by the MBTA, installed by the Contractor)
(2) providing two new CIH’s for the Reservoir and Grove Street interlockings,
(3) providing approximately 6.5 miles of new wayside aerial cable and cable support system on existing catenary poles,
(4) providing all wayside signals, pushbuttons, power and hand-throw switch machines
Track improvements consist of the renewal of approximately 24,000 feet of mainline track, replacement of special trackwork, platform edge reconstruction,and grade crossing reconstruction.